A correlated study of clinical evaluation, Magnetic resonance imaging  and arthroscopy in in Cruciateligament and meniscalinjuries, Ali mohammed P, Mohamed Shakeeb K U,Nithin Chndrasekharan, K Senthil Kumar, International journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research 2023;15(11);348-355 Essn:0975-1556,p-ISSN:2820-2643

A correlated study of clinical evaluation, Magnetic resonance imaging  and arthroscopy in in Cruciateligament and meniscalinjuries, Ali mohammed P, Mohamed Shakeeb K U,Nithin Chndrasekharan, K Senthil Kumar, International journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research 2023;15(11);348-355 Essn:0975-1556,p-ISSN:2820-2643

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