- To achieve recognition as a centre of excellence in providing premium medical education and research
- To remain committed in achieving the goals of creating an “Indian Medical Graduate” as envisaged by NMC
- To contributed to the advancement and enhancement of knowledge of anatomy by creating a conductive learning environment and providing quality education.
- To strengthen academic standards by promoting research activities and publications.
- Implement Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum
- Achieve academic brilliance by introducing innovative trends in teaching learning methods
- Execute continuous formative assessments and feedback sessions to escalate the learning process
- Involve students in their learning process through guided self directed learning sessions.
- Encourage faculties, post graduate and under graduate students to engage in research activities and publications.
- Conduct academic activities for undergraduate (MBBS, BDS and Allied Medical Sciences) and postgraduate (MD Anatomy and MDS) courses, Bsc Nursing, BSc MLT and Allied courses
- Framing specific learning objective and creating lesson plans as per CBME curriculum
- Execute continuous formative assessments and feedback sessions to escalate the learning process
- Involve students in their learning process through guided self directed learning sessions.
- Formulating modules for Early Clinical Exposure and Integrated sessions
- Implementing Early Clinical Exposure, Integrated and Attitude, Ethics and Communication (AETCOM) sessions.s
- Training faculties in the department for implementing innovative teaching learning methods
- Conducting model making, chart designing, poster, body painting competition and dissection competition for under graduate students.
- Guiding post graduate and undergraduate students in their research works.

Dissection Hall
Well ventilated and spacious hall with adequate illumination to accommodate 200 students.
Provided with sufficient teaching learning aids and AV aids including table top camera
X-ray view boxes available in the Dissection Hall.
Locker facility available for students
Separate rooms for embalming, cadaver storage and cold storage.
Adequate hygiene facilities with 22 wash basins available for students

Histology Laboratory
Well equipped lab with 90 microscopes, dissection microscope, microscope with LCD monitor, storage facilities for 6000 slides
Seating capacity for 90 students
Separate room for tissue processing and slide preparation

Department Library
Departmental library has more than 300 books and 30 journals for the need of students, post graduates and faculty.
The department has collections of software programs of Anatomy like Real Anatomy for self study, interactive session and assessment.
A well organized comprehensive museum comprising of wet and dry specimens (gross anatomy, osteology, embryology and neuroanatomy)
Provided with gross anatomy and embryology models, histology and embryology slides and charts
Microscopes and X-ray view boxes available in the museum
Research Lab
Well equipped with binocular research microscope, dissecting microscope, microtomes, incubator, paraffin embedding bath, hot plates, hot air oven and electronic balance
Demonstration Rooms
Two demonstration rooms to accommodate 75 students each
Well equipped with Audio-visual teaching aids including L.C.D projector and over head projectors

Dr. Sheela Sivan
Professor & HOD

Dr.Abdul Waheed Ansari

Dr. Rohita Salam
Associate Professor

Dr. Martin K John
Associate Professor
MSc Anatomy

Dr. Deepa T K
Associate Professor
MSc Anatomy