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A correlated study of clinical evaluation, Magnetic resonance imaging  and arthroscopy in in Cruciateligament and meniscalinjuries, Ali mohammed P, Mohamed Shakeeb K U,Nithin Chndrasekharan, K Senthil Kumar, International journal of Pharmaceutical and clinical research 2023;15(11);348-355 Essn:0975-1556,p-ISSN:2820-2643

Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of rotator cuff injuries and correlation with arthroscopy findings, hameed fazal Ghafoor,Gijo A J, Brahmadathan MN, Cureus 15(12):e50103.DOI 10.7759/Cureus. 50103

Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of rotator cuff injuries and correlation with arthroscopy findings, hameed fazal Ghafoor,Gijo A J, Brahmadathan MN, Cureus 15(12):e50103.DOI 10.7759/Cureus. 50103

Functional outcome of Lisfranc injuries and its and its clinical & radiological predictors: A prospective, Hospital based , observational study,Ali Mohammed P, Prasannan TY, Nithin Chandrasekharan, K Senthil Kumar , International journal of toxicological and pharmacological research 2023: 13(12); 131-138

Functional outcome of Lisfranc injuries and its and its clinical & radiological predictors: A prospective, Hospital based , observational study,Ali Mohammed P, Prasannan TY, Nithin Chandrasekharan, K Senthil Kumar , International journal of toxicological and pharmacological research 2023: 13(12); 131-138

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Arthroscopy-assisted tibial plateau fracture surgery – Minimum 2 years follow up results M. Jyothiprasanth a , Palanisamy JeyaVenkatesh b,* , Prince Shanavas Khanc , T.S. Gopakumar. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery Volume 7, Issue 2, April–June 2020, Pages 74-77

Arthroscopy-assisted tibial plateau fracture surgery – Minimum 2 years follow up results M. Jyothiprasanth a , Palanisamy JeyaVenkatesh b,* , Prince Shanavas Khanc , T.S. Gopakumar. Journal of Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery Volume 7, Issue 2, April–June 2020, Pages 74-77

A Comparitive Study of Functional Outcome of Three Methods of Internal Fixation in a Comminuted Supracondylar Fracture Femurin Post Menopausal Women Dr. Mohamed Shakeeb KU 1, Dr. Gijo AJ2, Dr. Abdul Asraf V3 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020

A Comparitive Study of Functional Outcome of Three Methods of Internal Fixation in a Comminuted Supracondylar Fracture Femurin Post Menopausal Women Dr. Mohamed Shakeeb KU 1, Dr. Gijo AJ2, Dr. Abdul Asraf V3 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020

Shakeeb MKU, Gijo AJ, Asraf  AV, Chettiyar KK. Comparative study of functionaloutcome after internal fixation of comminuted fractures of  diaphysis of the forearm with locking compression plate  and dynamic compression plate. Int J Orthop Rheumatol2019;5(2):64-9

Shakeeb MKU, Gijo AJ, Asraf  AV, Chettiyar KK. Comparative study of functional
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Reconstruction of ruptured patellar tendon using semitendinosus and gracilis tendon autograft: A modified technique, Dr. Anoop J, Dr. Ashiq Mohiyudheen Ali, Dr. Mohammed Shakeeb KU, Dr. CM Kumaran and Dr. TS Gopakumar .https://doi.org/10.22271/ortho.2021.v7.i4g. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2021; 7(4): 481-483

Reconstruction of ruptured patellar tendon using semitendinosus and gracilis tendon autograft: A modified technique, Dr. Anoop J, Dr. Ashiq Mohiyudheen Ali, Dr. Mohammed Shakeeb KU, Dr. CM Kumaran and Dr. TS Gopakumar .https://doi.org/10.22271/ortho.2021.v7.i4g. International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2021; 7(4): 481-483

Functional outcome following open reduction and internal fixation of proximal humerus fractures with locking compression plate, Mohamed Nishad M.1, Mohamed Shakeeb K. U.2*, Gijo A. J.2Mohamed NM et al. Int J Res Orthop. 2021 Jan;7(1):29-38

Functional outcome following open reduction and internal fixation of proximal humerus fractures with locking compression plate, Mohamed Nishad M.1, Mohamed Shakeeb K. U.2*, Gijo A. J.2Mohamed NM et al. Int J Res Orthop. 2021 Jan;7(1):29-38

KU, Mohamed Shakeeb, and A. J. Gijo. “Comparative study of functional outcome after internal fixation of comminuted fractures of diaphysis of the forearm with locking compression plate and dynamic compression plate.” IP International Journal of Orthopaedic Rheumatology 5, no. 2 (2020): 64-69.

KU, Mohamed Shakeeb, and A. J. Gijo. “Comparative study of functional outcome after internal fixation of comminuted fractures of diaphysis of the forearm with locking compression plate and dynamic compression plate.” IP International Journal of Orthopaedic Rheumatology 5, no. 2 (2020): 64-69.

M Jyothi Prasad, PalaniSwami,Jaya Venkatesh, Prince ShanavasKhan,TSGopakumar. Arthroscopy assisted tibial plateau fracture surgery-minimum follow up results.Journal of Arthroscopy& Joint surgery.2020

M Jyothi Prasad, PalaniSwami,Jaya Venkatesh, Prince ShanavasKhan,TSGopakumar. Arthroscopy assisted tibial plateau fracture surgery-minimum follow up results.Journal of Arthroscopy& Joint surgery.2020

Dr. Mohamed Shakeeb KU, Dr. Gijo AJ, Dr. Abdul Asraf V

Dr. Mohamed Shakeeb KU, Dr. Gijo AJ, Dr. Abdul Asraf V, “A Comparitive Study of Functional Outcome of Three Methods of Internal Fixation in a Comminuted Supracondylar Fracture Femurin Post Menopausal Women“, International Journal of Science andResearch(IJSR),  https://www.ijsr.net/search_index_results_paperid.php?id=SR20219201852, Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020, 1527 – 1532