Rakshitha HB, Kumar AA, Sanjay M, Pravallika J. Correlation of Cytological Features with Axillary Lymph Nodal Involvement in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Breast – A Retrospective Study. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2024;23(1):8. Available at URL: https://www.ojhas.org/issue89/2024-1-8.html

Rakshitha HB, Kumar AA, Sanjay M, Pravallika J. Correlation of Cytological Features with Axillary Lymph Nodal Involvement in Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of Breast – A Retrospective Study. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2024;23(1):8. Available at URL: https://www.ojhas.org/issue89/2024-1-8.html

Nair, Geethu G.; Feroze, M. Effectiveness of Multiple-choice Questions (MCQS) Discussion as a Learning Enhancer in Conventional Lecture Class of Undergraduate Medical Students. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 16(Suppl 2):p S183-S188, October 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_192_22.

Nair, Geethu G.; Feroze, M. Effectiveness of Multiple-choice Questions (MCQS) Discussion as a Learning Enhancer in Conventional Lecture Class of Undergraduate Medical Students. Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 16(Suppl 2):p S183-S188, October 2023. | DOI: 10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_192_22.

Kumar AA, Jayapradeep DP, Nair GG, Asmi S, Salim A .Assessment of awareness about safe blood transfusion practices among nurses in a tertiary care center in north kerala. Med Lab J. Jul-Aug 2023,17(4).

Kumar AA, Jayapradeep DP, Nair GG, Asmi S, Salim A .Assessment of awareness about safe blood transfusion practices among nurses in a tertiary care center in north kerala. Med Lab J. Jul-Aug 2023,17(4).

Usman SP, Ramakrishnan D, Divya S.Peritumoural and Intratumoural Distribution of Langerhan Cell in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and its Association with Known Prognostic FactorsJ Clin of Diagn Res.2023; 17(5):EC12-C15. https://www.doi.org/10.7860/JCDR/2023/61293/17818

Usman SP, Ramakrishnan D, Divya S.Peritumoural and Intratumoural Distribution of Langerhan Cell in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and its Association with Known Prognostic FactorsJ Clin of Diagn Res.2023; 17(5):EC12-C15. https://www.doi.org/

Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Subaida. A.K, Dr. Anandan. K.R, Dr. Feroze.M. Role of Neutrophil- To–Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet to Lymphocyte ratio and Neutrophil to Platelet ratio as predictive markers of severity in covid 19 Patients. Medical Laboratory Journal. Accepted for publication- letter No: A-10-1462-2.

Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Subaida. A.K, Dr. Anandan. K.R, Dr. Feroze.M. Role of Neutrophil- To–Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet to Lymphocyte ratio and Neutrophil to Platelet ratio as predictive markers of severity in covid 19 Patients. Medical Laboratory Journal. Accepted for publication- letter No: A-10-1462-2.

Geethu G Nair, Feroze M. Effectiveness of Multiple‐choice Questions (MCQS) Discussion as a Learning Enhancer in Conventional Lecture Class of Undergraduate Medical students. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2022 Jun 14].10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_192_22

Geethu G Nair, Feroze M. Effectiveness of Multiple‐choice Questions (MCQS) Discussion as a Learning Enhancer in Conventional Lecture Class of Undergraduate Medical students. Med J DY Patil Vidyapeeth [Epub ahead of print] [cited 2022 Jun 14].10.4103/mjdrdypu.mjdrdypu_192_22

Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan. The utility of a prognostic scoring system based on histomorphological parameters in low grade colo rectal carcinoma. JCDR.(Accepted for publication)

Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan. The utility of a prognostic scoring system based on histomorphological parameters in low grade colo rectal carcinoma. JCDR.(Accepted for publication)

Dr. Supriya Papaiah, Dr. Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan, “Morphological Pattern Analysis of Megakaryocytes Inthrombocytopenia of Varied Causes”, IJMACR- March – 2023, Volume – 6, Issue – 2, P. No. 351 – 357.

Dr. Supriya Papaiah, Dr. Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan, “Morphological Pattern Analysis of Megakaryocytes Inthrombocytopenia of Varied Causes”, IJMACR- March – 2023, Volume – 6, Issue – 2, P. No. 351 – 357.

Dr. Fadiya Zainudeen, Dr. Lekha. K. Nair, Dr. Suhail. N, Dr. Jayalakshmy. P.S, Dr. Asiq Sideeque. N. Comparative study of bronchial brush and bronchial wash cytology in the diagnosis of lung tumors. IP Journal Of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2021;6(1):9-14

Dr. Fadiya Zainudeen, Dr. Lekha. K. Nair, Dr. Suhail. N, Dr. Jayalakshmy. P.S, Dr. Asiq Sideeque. N. Comparative study of bronchial brush and bronchial wash cytology in the diagnosis of lung tumors. IP Journal Of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2021;6(1):9-14

Aniya Antony, Vanesa John T, Sandhra Usman, Joy Augustine. Mutations in Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma. Frequency Study from a Oncology Centre in Central Kerala. Indian Journal F Research | O December – 202 Volume – 10 | Issue – 12 | 1 | Print ISSN No. 2250 – 1991 | DOI : 10.36106.

Aniya Antony, Vanesa John T, Sandhra Usman, Joy Augustine. Mutations in Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma. Frequency Study from a Oncology Centre in Central Kerala. Indian Journal F Research | O December – 202 Volume – 10 | Issue – 12 | 1 | Print ISSN No. 2250 – 1991 | DOI : 10.36106.

Girija C, Feroze M. Extend of Neuroendocrine differentiation in adeno carcinoma prostate needle biopsies. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2020;7 (4):556-560

Girija C, Feroze M. Extend of Neuroendocrine differentiation in adeno carcinoma prostate needle biopsies. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2020;7 (4):556-560

R Aswathi, P.S Jayalakshmy. Secretory cell outgrowth (SCOUT), Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma (STIC) and P53 expression in fallopian tube fimbriae of ovarian serous tumours- A tertiary care centre study. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2020;7(4):636-462.

R Aswathi, P.S Jayalakshmy. Secretory cell outgrowth (SCOUT), Serous Tubal Intraepithelial Carcinoma (STIC) and P53 expression in fallopian tube fimbriae of ovarian serous tumours- A tertiary care centre study. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology 2020;7(4):636-462.

Aswathi Ramakrishnan, P.S Jayalakshmy. Histomorphological characteristics of ovarian serous tumours- A tertiary care centres study. J Evid based med Healthc 2020;7(36), 1913-1916.

Aswathi Ramakrishnan, P.S Jayalakshmy. Histomorphological characteristics of ovarian serous tumours- A tertiary care centres study. J Evid based med Healthc 2020;7(36), 1913-1916.

Aijaz Muzamil Dar, Nisha TG, Prema Saldanha, Ksheera Cariappa. Immunohistochemical expression of Ki67, P53 and Her2 New in meningiomas. Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, March 2020;5(3):152-158.

Aijaz Muzamil Dar, Nisha TG, Prema Saldanha, Ksheera Cariappa. Immunohistochemical expression of Ki67, P53 and Her2 New in meningiomas. Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, March 2020;5(3):152-158.

Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan, Anuradha Calicut Kini Rao, Sneha Aditi, P . Supriya. Critical analysis of pitfalls in cytological diagnosis of salivary gland lesions: Experience in a tertiary care centre. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2020 July, Vol-9(3):P001-P005.

Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan, Anuradha Calicut Kini Rao, Sneha Aditi, P . Supriya. Critical analysis of pitfalls in cytological diagnosis of salivary gland lesions: Experience in a tertiary care centre. National Journal of Laboratory Medicine. 2020 July, Vol-9(3):P001-P005.

Dr. Noushad Aryadan, Dr. Jyothi CR, Dr. Ps Jayalakshmy, Dr. Joy Augustine. Dermal Nerve status in Hansen’s disease- histopathological and Immunohistochemical study using S-100. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2020.11.4.P109-114

Dr. Noushad Aryadan, Dr. Jyothi CR, Dr. Ps Jayalakshmy, Dr. Joy Augustine. Dermal Nerve status in Hansen’s disease- histopathological and Immunohistochemical study using S-100. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2020.11.4.P109-114

Linta Thampi, PS Jayalakshmy, Merin Jose. Gastric and gastroesophageal junction carcinomas and its morphological features, Tertiary care centre study. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, July-September 2019;6(3):388-392.

Linta Thampi, PS Jayalakshmy, Merin Jose. Gastric and gastroesophageal junction carcinomas and its morphological features, Tertiary care centre study. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology, July-September 2019;6(3):388-392.

Karthi. P. Kumar, P.S Jayalakshmy. Immunohistochemical expression of P57 (KIP2) in first trimester abortion specimens of molar and non – molar pregnancies. IP journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology, January- March, 2019; 4(1): 27-31

Karthi. P. Kumar, P.S Jayalakshmy. Immunohistochemical expression of P57 (KIP2) in first trimester abortion specimens of molar and non – molar pregnancies. IP journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology, January- March, 2019; 4(1): 27-31

S. Sinumol, P.S Jayalakshmy, Thulaseedharan Sreedharan, Mallika Odamparambil Unni, Smita Narayanan, N. Sujatha. Effect of Intraoperative trypan blue on lens epithelial cells- Histomorphological analysis. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology (2019) 33,18-23.

S. Sinumol, P.S Jayalakshmy, Thulaseedharan Sreedharan, Mallika Odamparambil Unni, Smita Narayanan, N. Sujatha. Effect of Intraoperative trypan blue on lens epithelial cells- Histomorphological analysis. Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology (2019) 33,18-23.

Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Rakshitha Hb, Dr. Nanda Kishore Alva and Dr. Sharon, Roshin Reginald. Histopathological spectrum of salivary gland neoplasms in a tertiary care centre. International Journal of Clinical and diagnostic pathology 2019;2(1):243-246

Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Rakshitha Hb, Dr. Nanda Kishore Alva and Dr. Sharon, Roshin Reginald. Histopathological spectrum of salivary gland neoplasms in a tertiary care centre. International Journal of Clinical and diagnostic pathology 2019;2(1):243-246

Aneesha Asok Kumar, Rakshitha HB, Nanda Kishore Alva, Sharon Roshin Reginald. Biphasic cell patterns of salivary gland tumours in tertiary care hospital. IP Journal of Diagnostic pathology and oncology, April- June 2019;4(2):86-91.

Aneesha Asok Kumar, Rakshitha HB, Nanda Kishore Alva, Sharon Roshin Reginald. Biphasic cell patterns of salivary gland tumours in tertiary care hospital. IP Journal of Diagnostic pathology and oncology, April- June 2019;4(2):86-91.

Sebina Asmi A.T.1, Suma Madathiveetil

Sebina Asmi A.T.1, Suma Madathiveetil. HER2 / neu Over expression in Urothelial Carcinoma and Its Association with Tumour Grading – A Cross Sectional Study from a Tertiary Care Hospital in Kerala. J Evid Based Med Healthc, pISSN – 2349-2562, eISSN – 2349-2570 / Vol. 8 / Issue 09 / Mar. 01, 2021

Deepak Panasseril Jayapradeep1, Muktha R. Pai2

Deepak Panasseril Jayapradeep1, Muktha R. Pai2 . Clinicopathological Study of Primary Central Nervous System Tumours – A Descriptive Study in a Tertiary Care Center Hospital of Dakshina Kannada. J Evolution Med Dent Sci / eISSN – 2278-4802, pISSN – 2278-4748 / Vol. 10 / Issue 36 / Sept. 06, 2021.

Janaky Ramakrishnan1, Asiq N Sideeque2, Reslin AKhader3. 

Janaky Ramakrishnan1, Asiq N Sideeque2, Reslin AKhader3.  Comparative Analysis of Immunohistochemistry of Hormone Receptors in Breast Cancer by Conventional and Microwave Tissue Processing Methods. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021 Oct, Vol-15(10): EC34-EC38.

Dr. Fadiya Zainudeen, Dr. Lekha. K. Nair, Dr. Suhail. N, Dr. Jayalakshmy. P.S, Dr. Asiq Sideeque. N.

Dr. Fadiya Zainudeen, Dr. Lekha. K. Nair, Dr. Suhail. N, Dr. Jayalakshmy. P.S, Dr. Asiq Sideeque. N. Comparative study of bronchial brush and bronchial wash cytology in the diagnosis of lung tumors. IP Journal Of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2021;6(1):9-14

Dr. Akhil Chandran M, Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Jayalakshmy P. S, Dr. Nisha. T.G. Rare Pathological Lesions of appendix- A case series. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology (Accepted for publication)

Dr. Akhil Chandran M, Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Jayalakshmy P. S, Dr. Nisha. T.G. Rare Pathological Lesions of appendix- A case series. Indian Journal of Pathology and Oncology (Accepted for publication)

Dr. Supriya Papaiah, Dr. Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan

Dr. Supriya Papaiah, Dr. Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan, Morphological pattern analysis of megakaryocytes in thrombocytopenia of varied causes. International Journal of Medical Science and Advanced Clinical Research, Volume 6, Issue 2, March- 2023, Page 351-357.

Aneesha Asok Kumar, Faseela Kalayam Kulath, Asiq Sideeque, Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan.

Aneesha Asok Kumar, Faseela Kalayam Kulath, Asiq Sideeque, Nisha Thattamparambil Gopalakrishnan. Utility of prognostic scoring system based on histomorphological parameters in low grade colo rectal carcinoma. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2023 Apr, Vol-17(4): EC08-EC12