Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Subaida. A.K, Dr. Anandan. K.R, Dr. Feroze.M. Role of Neutrophil- To–Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet to Lymphocyte ratio and Neutrophil to Platelet ratio as predictive markers of severity in covid 19 Patients. Medical Laboratory Journal. Accepted for publication- letter No: A-10-1462-2.

Dr. Aneesha Asok Kumar, Dr. Subaida. A.K, Dr. Anandan. K.R, Dr. Feroze.M. Role of Neutrophil- To–Lymphocyte Ratio, Platelet to Lymphocyte ratio and Neutrophil to Platelet ratio as predictive markers of severity in covid 19 Patients. Medical Laboratory Journal. Accepted for publication- letter No: A-10-1462-2.

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