Lumbar Plexus Block as an Effective Alternative to Subarachnoid Block for Intertrochanteric Hip FractureSurgeries in the Elderly. Ahamed ZA, Sreejit MS. Lumbar plexus blockas an effective alternative to subarachnoid block for intertrochanteric hipfracture surgeries in the elderly. Anesth Essays Res 2019;13:264-

Lumbar Plexus Block as an Effective Alternative to Subarachnoid Block for Intertrochanteric Hip FractureSurgeries in the Elderly. Ahamed ZA, Sreejit MS. Lumbar plexus blockas an effective alternative to subarachnoid block for intertrochanteric hipfracture surgeries in the elderly. Anesth Essays Res 2019;13:264-

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