The Department of Microbiology in MES Medical College undertakes Academic, Diagnostic, and Research activities. Some of the major infectious diseases for which a laboratory diagnosis is sought are Tuberculosis, Cholera, Typhoid, AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Dengue, Urinary Tract Infections, Endocarditis, Rheumatic fever, scrub typhus, etc., to name a few. For these infections, the best diagnostic methods are available in our laboratory, namely—culture/serology/molecular methods. Our Molecular clinical laboratory is accredited by the NABL for performing SARS‑CoV‑2 testing. It also carries out bacteriological analysis of water, operation theatre sterility checks, in-house disinfectant testing, and hospital environmental surveillance. Its diagnostic wing is a regular participant in external quality control programmes.
Academic activities
The department is involved in the teaching and training of P.G (M.D) students in Microbiology, teaching of M.B.B.S, B.D.S, B.Sc. Nursing, and B.Sc. MLT students, and undertakes training of MSc MLT & M.Sc. Microbiology students in their project works.
The department is adequately equipped with infrastructural facilities, instruments, and equipment as per NMC and University Regulations. The lecture halls are air-conditioned and soundproof, available in the common pool, and provided with audio-visual teaching aids like LCD projectors, OHP, microphones, chalkboards, etc. The department also has a demonstration room, seminar room, faculty and non-teaching staff rooms, students’ laboratory, museum, library, etc.
Diagnostic facilities
The department is well equipped with diagnosing bacteriological, virological, mycological, and parasitological diseases. In the service lab the following investigations are routinely done.
Culture and sensitivity of blood, urine, sputum, body fluids, stool, pus etc. Smear study using various staining methods like Gram’s, Z.N, Albert’s, India Ink etc. Blood culture by automated method-BACT Alert enabling detection of blood stream infection as early as possible
Culture and AFB smear study
Fungal culture, KOH and LPCB smear study
Blood smear for hematological parasites and stool study for parasitic ova, cyst, larvae etc
HIV, HBV, HCV, Anti-HAV IgM, Anti HBS, Dengue- Ig G, Ig M and NS1Ag, Mono
Widal, VDRL (RPR), TPHA, Lepto Ig M & IgG, ASO, CRP, RA, Weil-Felix, Malaria
ANA, ANA profile, Anti ds DNA, C3 & C4 estimation, Ig G, Ig M, & Ig E estimation
Molecular clinical laboratory :
SARS‑CoV‑2 testing ,HCV

Dr. Syed Mustaq Ahmed
Professor & HOD

Dr. Sumitha Rajeevan

Dr. Ameena K.K
Associate Professor

Mrs. Arya B
Assistant Professor
Msc PhD

Mr. Shakir V P A
Assistant Professor
Msc PhD

Dr. Hesna
Assistant Professor

Dr. Shahana P
Assistant Professor